Diluted chemotherapy medications. Fungal infections and meningitis from steroid injections used to treat back pain. Bacterial infections caused from supposedly sterile IV drugs. Why are these dangerous drugs on the market?
Many Americans were introduced to the dangers of compounding pharmacies last year, when more than 700 people nationwide were sickened and 63 people died due to contaminated drugs made at a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts. But did you know that the FDA currently has little oversight over the drugs manufactured at these facilities?
Although compounding pharmacies traditionally tailor medication to individual patients, some compounding pharmacies are making large quantities of drugs and acting like major drug manufacturers without complete oversight.
The FDA has stepped up inspections and recalls, and Congressional leaders are working on bills that would call for greater FDA oversight of these pharmacies. But if you’ve been injured as a result of one of these recalls, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced Kansas City attorneys are ready to help you with your case.
Call us today at 816-842-7100 or toll-free at 888-712-1930 to speak with an attorney. Or click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.