Help Castle Law Office and local law enforcement empower parents, guardians, and role models to discuss the importance of driving safety with young drivers in our community. Teaching and enforcing safe driving habits and the laws of the road will not only keep our roads safer but could also prevent serious injury or death to a loved one. Getting a driver’s license can be a very exciting time for teens and can provide valuable life lessons that can be used on and off the road. If you have a young driver, or soon to be driver, we urge you to take the time to encourage safe driving.
Unfortunately, motor vehicle crashes claim more teenage lives than any other cause of death in the United States. “In 2017, an estimated 293,000 people were injured in a crash that involved a teen driver.
Here are some important topics to consider when discussing driving safety with young drivers or soon to be drivers:
- Distracted Driving
- Speeding
- Drunk driving and drugs
- Seat Belts and Buckling Up
- Driving while drowsy
- Expectations and rules
Parents and guardians are crucial to ensuring that the young drivers in our community practice safe driving habits. The NHTSA has tips for parents to help their young drivers be more prepared for the dangers
- “Talk to your teen about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Remind them that it is illegal to drink under the age of 21, and it is illegal—and deadly—to drink and drive. If a teen is under 21, his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) should always be at .00, not just under .08, which is the legal limit for drivers over age 21.”
- “Be a good role model. Remember that your child looks to you as a driver, so practice safe driving yourself. Set aside time to take your teen on practice driving sessions. It can be a great way to spend time together and to allow your teen to improve some basic driving skills. Your teen's learning starts at home.”
- “Don't rely solely on a driver's education class to teach your teen to drive. Remember that driver's education should be used as just part of a GDL system.”
In the unfortunate scenario that you are involved in a car crash, it may be important that you call a personal injury lawyer. The car accident attorneys at Castle Law Office are in Kansas City and we are here, right here, fighting for you. If you have been injured in a car accident call us at 816-842-7100 or click here to contact our Castle Law Car Accident Attorneys in Kansas City.