Recently a group of state lawmakers from New Jersey visited a nursing home to see what it takes to run a facility on a tight budget.
As states cut costs all over the country, many nursing homes are feeling the strain. As a result, they suffer from being understaffed and underpaid.
But they're not the only ones suffering. When nursing homes cut pay, they naturally can't afford the more qualified, experienced staff. They might start to cut corners in their hiring. And it's cutting those corners that leads to a lot of the nursing home abuse happening in America today.
As a nursing home abuse lawyer in Kansas City, I know it's incredibly difficult to run a large nursing facility and care for elderly patients who often suffer from dementia. But if you can't treat the residents with respect, care, and even love, you probably shouldn't be operating.
Being underpaid is frustrating but it never, ever excuses abuse or assault. Unfortunately, funding is used as an excuse for bad behavior at nursing homes all the time.
State lawmakers might learn something from the New Jersey group who wanted to see for themselves what these centers need financially. Nursing homes with high-quality, well-paid staff will likely perform much better and be safer for our elders.
But they should also take a look at the state laws on nursing home abuse and elder abuse: are they bringing abusive workers to justice? Is the law strict enough to deter bad behavior?
Or are we leaving our elders in nursing homes with minimal staff, inadequate funding, and no punishment if someone harms them?
If your loved one was injured in a nursing home, contact our Kansas City nursing home abuse lawyers today. No strings attached - just a chance to talk with an attorney about the situation and get the help you need and deserve.