Serious financial situations can quickly spiral out of control. Whether you have excessive bills due to divorce, medical treatment or outstanding credit card debt, it’s easy to get behind on car payments and have the late fees pile up.
Stop Reposession
Most loan companies don’t care about your personal problems, however. They want your payment, and they want it now. If you spend nights worrying that the repo man will take your car while you’re sleeping, Castle Law Office is here to help.
If you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court will issue an automatic “stay.” This means that all collection techniques – from telephone calls to repossessions – immediately come to a stop while our experienced bankruptcy specialists work with you to draft a repayment plan that is affordable and acceptable.
With a Chapter 13, it is sometimes possible to lower the amount you owe on the car or lower the interest rate. Sometimes the payments can be stretched out to allow you more time to pay. And in some cases, we may be able to recover your car if it has already been repossessed. You also have options if you decide to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Kansas and Missouri law can be tricky to understand, so you need an experienced bankruptcy lawyer to handle your case. Our attorneys have decades of experience dealing with these sorts of money issues.
Castle Law Office has been helping residents of the Kansas City metro get a fresh financial start for the past 14 years. Call us today at 816-842-6200 to speak with an attorney. Or you can email us and schedule your free consultation.