Cars cutting off bikers are unfortunately among the most commonly reported causes of motorcycle accidents nationwide. A driver, while conscious of other automobiles, may be blind to the presence of a motorcycle and may leave the scene without even being aware that he or she caused an accident.

If an unidentified vehicle runs you off the road and causes you bodily harm, you may be able to use uninsured motorist protection to cover the damages, if you have it in your policy. The uninsured motorist clause of your insurance policy handles injury claims stemming from the accident. It can reimburse you for lost wages and salary, and it can cover injury and loss sustained by passengers riding on the motorcycle with you.

The uninsured motorist clause won't usually cover damage to your motorcycle or other property, or the property of your passenger. (Incidentally, the same rules apply if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident.)

There are other issues involved that an attorney will have to investigate. These include, for example, whether there was contact between your bike and the car; road conditions at the time of the accident; and questions pertaining to the unique situation surrounding your case. 

Our attorneys handle cases like this with special care, since a lot of details can come into play when unindentified vehicles cause your crash. Contact us today to discuss your case for free, and get the help you need before it's too late.

Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney that will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.