With increasing frequency, creditors are turning to social media as a means to collect debts. While there are no laws to prevent creditors from contacting you via Facebook, they're not allowed to harass you or violate your privacy.
For example, a creditor may not post on your Facebook wall demanding you to pay a debt. A creditor may not repeatedly contact you, threaten you, or attempt to embarrass you publicly.
If a creditor contacts you via Facebook, you may write a cease and desist letter instructing them to stop contacting you online. Keep records of all correspondence, particularly if the creditor is engaging in behavior that could be considered harassment. You can use screenshots to prove what was said in case they delete their comments later.
It's a good idea to restrict what personal information you make available to the public on Facebook and other social media. Creditors may use social media as a means to collect personal information like your phone number, e-mail and home address. They can also use it to collect information about what assets you have.
Also, don't accept friend requests from people you don't know. It's not unheard of for creditors to create fake Facebook profiles in an attempt to gain access to personal information.
Remember, bankruptcy is sometimes the best way to stop creditor harassment. We can help put an immediate stop to all contact with creditors—online or otherwise. Contact us today at 816-842-6200, or email us to discuss how that might be possible for you.