With the average American consumer carrying unsustainable credit card balances, credit card debt is a factor in many of the nearly 1.5 million bankruptcy filings in the United States each year.
If you've gotten in over your head with credit card debt, bankruptcy will bring an immediate end to phone calls and collection letters. Once you file for bankruptcy, an “automatic stay” immediately goes into effect that prevents creditors from continuing to collect on any of your debts. Creditors may not call you, file or proceed with a lawsuit against you, record liens against your income or property, or seize your bank accounts or property.
In fact, any creditor who tries to collect on a debt after the stay is in place — including credit card debts — can be fined by the court and forced to give back any of the property or money they took from you.
Further, filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy could potentially erase all of your credit card debt and even other debts that might be keeping you from living a full, healthy financial life.
Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed with credit card debt right now. To figure out if filing for bankruptcy is a good option to relieve your credit card woes, you should consult an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.
Castle Law Office has been handling bankruptcies for Kansas City clients from more than 14 years. If you need the fresh start bankruptcy can provide, call us today at 816-842-6200 to speak with an attorney. Or click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.