To protect your children from dangerous drugs that may be stored in your home, start by purchasing medication in child-resistant packaging, when available. However, just because a pill bottle says it's child resistant doesn't mean it's child-proof. Don’t rely solely on packaging to protect your children.
Store all medications — prescription and non-prescription — in a locked cabinet or drawer, out of reach and out of sight. Simply storing medicine on the top shelf of your closet isn't good enough. Kids can and will climb on just about anything.
Take note of all medications in the house and keep track of the contents. Be sure to seal and put away all medications properly after every use, even if the next dose is in a few hours. Never leave any medicine out.
Keep pills and liquids in their original containers, and never store them in the kitchen. Children may easily mistake medicine for food. You should never refer to medicine as “candy.” Parents will sometimes say this when a child refuses to take flavored medications.
You should also keep purses, bags and coats that have medicines in them out of reach at all times, including those of any house guests you may have.
It’s important to remember that medications aren’t the only potentially dangerous substances around the house. Many common household products, such as furniture polish, window cleaner, and dish soap, can cause serious harm if ingested. Although it's difficult to keep every item away from children, the best way to protect your kids is to never leave them unsupervised and to use natural, homemade products whenever possible.
Our personal injury attorneys help with dangerous drug cases. Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney that will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.