Your work history can affect your eligibility for SSDI, because Social Security is something workers pay into over time.
The time you've worked is turned into work credits. How old you are at the time of your disability affects how many credits you need in order to receive disability insurance.
Any worker is eligible to receive up to four work credits per year. Work credits are broken down into two areas: “recent work” and “duration of work.”
Generally to be eligible for SSDI, you need 20 credits towards “recent work.” Recent work is based on the immediate years leading up to your disability. If you're older than 31, recent work is considered the 10-year period prior to the disability. If you're younger than 31, recent work is based on the years between turning 21 and the age you were at the time of your disability.
To meet the “recent work” eligibility requirement for SSDI, you generally need to have worked five of the past 10 years (20 credits). If you're younger than 31, you need to have worked one half of the years defined as recent work. For example, if you're 25 when you become disabled, you would need to have worked two years, which would be equal to eight credits.
The number of work credits you need to qualify for “duration of work” changes as you get older. The range starts at six credits for people disabled between 21 and 24 and goes up to 40 work credits for people age 62 and older.
If all this sounds confusing, that's because it is. If you've applied for SSDI and were denied the first time around, our office can help. We handle SSDI appeals, and will work hard to prepare a strong case for you so you don't miss out on much-needed benefits.
Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney that will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.