Side effects, or effects from a drug that are secondary to the intended effect, are very common. Some are expected and not very serious; but as our dangerous drug lawyers can tell you, some side effects are life-altering or even fatal.

If a drug makes you sick, tell your physician and discuss possible alternatives to treatment.

You should also report serious side effects to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adverse event reporting system, MedWatch. Keep the medication for reporting purposes and potentially for evidence. You don't need to send the drug to the FDA.

Be prepared to provide the following information for the report:

  • Patient information (date of birth, gender, weight)
  • Event type (Did the drug make you sick? Did it malfunction? Come packaged incorrectly?)
  • Outcomes attributed to the adverse event (hospitalization, disability, death)
  • Relevant laboratory tests and data (include dates)
  • Other relevant history, including preexisting conditions
  • Name, strength and manufacturer of the drug
  • Dose, frequency and how it was administered
  • Dates of use
  • Diagnosis or reason for using the drug
  • Did the side effects stop after drug was stopped or reappear after re-administering?
  • Lot number and expiration date
  • Information regarding the person reporting the adverse event


The FDA recommends you report the event even if you're not sure the product caused the problems or if you don't have all the details.

Dangerous drug injury happens all the time, and serious side effects may indicate you have a dangerous drug case. Our attorneys see every day how serious side effects may jeopardize your health and can lead to hospitalization, disability, and even death.

Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney that will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.