Some of the most common forms of nursing home abuse include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial or material exploitation.
Physical abuse in a nursing home includes striking a nursing home resident, pushing, shoving, shaking, kicking, burning, pinching and other violent acts. It also includes the unnecessary use of drugs and physical restraints, force-feeding and physical punishment.
Sexual abuse in a nursing home includes any non-consensual sexual contact with a nursing home resident as well as sexual contact with a resident who is unable to give consent. It includes unwanted physical touching and sexual acts, sexual assault, rape and coerced sexual acts including nudity and explicit photography.
Emotional or psychological abuse in a nursing home is any verbal or nonverbal act that causes pain or distress including verbal assaults, bullying, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, harassment, ignoring, silence, shunning or social isolation.
Neglect in a nursing home is defined as any failure on the part of a nursing home employee to provide adequate care. It can include refusal or failure to provide a nursing home resident with necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, comfort and personal safety.
Abandonment in a nursing home is the act of deserting an elderly and dependent person or leaving them unattended for such a period of time that it is likely to harm their health or well-being.
Financial or material exploitation in a nursing home is the illegal or improper use of a nursing home resident's funds, property or resources. This includes forging their signature, stealing money or possessions, or tricking an elderly resident into signing documents to transfer funds, property or assets.
These abuses against the elderly happen more than we'd care to think, and can also show up in other care centers like hospitals and assisted living facilities.
If your loved one has been neglected or abused in a nursing home, they may be able to receive compensation. Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.