If you haven't done so, your first course of action after a workplace accident needs to be to notify your employer of the injury and file a claim for workers’ comp. The employer is liable for any resulting medical bills from a work-related accident.
You should keep all medical bills you accrue as a direct result of your work-related injury. You'll want to retain the original bills for your own records and make some copies for the purposes of filing insurance claims, dealing with any legal dispute that might arise, and seeking additional medical consultation if needed.
Workers’ comp is also intended to cover physical and vocational rehabilitation. This means in addition to the immediate cost of treating your injury through whatever surgery or medical care is required, the insurance is supposed to cover the costs of recuperation as you adjust to life back in the workplace, assuming you return to the workplace.
When you've filed a claim with the Workers' Compensation Commission and there’s agreement your bills arose from the work injury, then doctors, hospitals, and other medical agencies are barred from pursuing payment from you until the claim is properly resolved. That's why filing a claim and keeping a thorough record of all medical bills stemming from a work-related injury is so important.
If the parties don't agree that it was a work-related injury, or if you need help with workers' compensation in Kansas City, our attorneys can help.
Call us today at 816-842-7100 to speak with an attorney that will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Or you can click here to email us and schedule your free consultation.