When it comes to your money, your property and your credit, you want to make sure that you make the best decisions. It is very difficult for a person unfamiliar with bankruptcy law to consider all possible outcomes and achieve the best results.

You may file for bankruptcy without a lawyer, called pro se filing, but the right lawyer can help you evaluate:

  • Which type of bankruptcy is right for you
  • What types of debts you owe (secured, unsecured, taxes, nondischargeable, contingent)
  • What type of property you owe (exempt, nonexempt, real, personal)
  • What kinds of property exemptions for which you might qualify


Bankruptcy cases involved extensive paperwork, and the courts are only allowed to provide limited assistance. So many pro se filers find themselves seeking the services of a bankruptcy lawyer after all.

What services can you expect when you hire a bankruptcy lawyer? First is a free consultation where you will discuss the ins and outs of your financial situation. Your lawyers office will prepare the bankruptcy petition, attend any meetings of creditors, represent you in court, and follow-up with any creditors. In a Chapter 13 case, your lawyer is also responsible for preparing your debt reorganization plan.

Castle Law Office has been handling bankruptcies for Kansas City clients from more than 14 years. If you need the fresh start bankruptcy can provide, call us today at 816-842-6200 to speak with an attorney. Or you can email us and schedule your free consultation.


Jason C. Amerine
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President and Owner, Castle Law Office of Kansas City