Posted on May 01, 2013

Compounding pharmacies have been linked to numerous injuries - including the recent deadly meningitis outbreak, which led to a public outcry for more information on how compounding pharmacies are regulated.

As of right now, responsibility lies with each state; but a new report reveals states know very little about their compounding pharmacies.

The congressional report says state boards of pharmacy generally don't know which pharmacies in their states are compounding pharmacies (pharmacies that custom mix their drugs) in the first place. They don't know how much medication the pharmacies make, whether it's sterile, or if it's sold over state lines.

In other words, compounding pharmacies are not being regulated at all in many states, which could put patients at risk of disease or injury. In addition, the drugs they make are not FDA-approved, even though some compounding pharmacies are so big they ship tens of thousands of vials over state lines each time they make a new compound.

Some members of Congress want to deal with the problem using federal regulation and an investigation into the compounding pharmacists' lobbying efforts.

Others believe states should maintain total control but pass stricter licensing requirements and communicate better with the FDA and other states.

Whatever the lawmakers decide, there are still people out there being injured by compounded drugs. If you've been hurt by a medication, our dangerous drug lawyers in Kansas City can help. Contact us today to speak with an attorney for free.


Read More About States Not Checking Compounding Pharmacies...

Jason C. Amerine
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President and Owner, Castle Law Office of Kansas City