Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorneys in Kansas CityThe pandemic took a heavy financial toll on many families and businesses throughout the nation. Data revealed that approximately 722 companies filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. in May alone, an increase from last year for the third consecutive month. The latest unemployment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an employment rate of 13.3% in May, accounting for 20.5 million Americans. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Kansas or Missouri, our chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys in Kansas City are here to help.

Filing Bankruptcy in Kansas City

Not only do our bankruptcy attorneys in Kanasa City understand how difficult it can be for you and your family to file bankruptcy, we know that you shouldn't have to go at it alone. Whether you are looking to file chapter 7 bankruptcy or chapter 13 bankruptcy in Kansas City, our team has the experience and skill to make these filing go as smoothly as possible.

Our Kansas City bankruptcy attorneys make themselves readily available to you and your loved ones should you have any questions about filing bankruptcy in Kansas or Missouri.

Temporary Changes to the CARES Act

  • For purposes of computing a debtor’s income to determine his or her eligibility for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, coronavirus-related payments from the federal government are excluded from the analysis.
  • Coronavirus-related payments are not considered in determining a debtor’s disposable income for a Chapter 13 plan of reorganization.
  • CARES Act allows Chapter 13 debtors who have already confirmed a plan to modify the plan based on a material financial difficulties caused by the pandemic. This includes extending their payments for seven years after their initial plan payment was due.
  • The modifications apply in pending Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases. The changes will be applicable for one year from the active date of the CARES Act.

Additional Resources

Our Experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys in Kansas City Are Here for You

At Castle Law, our Kansas City bankruptcy attorneys understand that social distancing and protecting our staff and clients are still very important. We will have hand sanitizer readily available and cleaning after each visit. We ask that all clients call our office if they do not have a confirmed appointment. Our team members are hard at work answering your calls to help provide you with the resources you need to get answers to your questions, including speaking directly with one of our Bankruptcy attorneys in Kansas City.

Phone: (816) 842-6200

Toll-Free: 888-712-1930

Email: [email protected] (use the chat function to message us) (message us on messenger) 

Jason C. Amerine
Connect with me
President and Owner, Castle Law Office of Kansas City
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