Our Kansas City personal injury attorneys know you may want more information about the details that go into your case.
At Castle Law, we have you covered. We've put together a database of information to help answer your questions.
If you don't see what you're looking for here, contact our personal injury attorneys to discuss your situation at no charge. We're glad to address any concerns you may have.
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Medical Debt 101You have options when it comes to paying back your medical debt. A Kansas City lawyer explains.
Dangerous Bed Rails Raise QuestionsBed rails can trap and kill vulnerable patients. A Kansas City lawyer talks about these dangerous medical devices.
Car Accident ChecklistKeep this checklist in your glove box in case you are ever in a car accident.
Getting a Credit Card After Bankruptcy: Rebuilding Your Credit ScoreGetting a credit card after bankruptcy is one of the best ways to rebuild your credit score. The trick is making sure that you choose the right card.
What You Need to Know About GranuFlo InjuriesIf you or a loved one received dialysis that used GranuFlo and NaturaLyte, and suffered a heart complication, contact Castle Law Office as soon as possible.
Can I File for Chapter 13 If My Chapter 7 Has Been Discharged?When is filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy an option, if you’ve already filed a Chapter 7? A Kansas City bankruptcy attorney offers some guidance.
The Hidden Dangers of Drowsy DrivingDrowsy driving accounts for more than 100,000 auto accidents each year. Our Kansas City personal injury attorneys share steps for staying safe on the road.
Do I Need to Be Under a Doctor’s Care to Receive SSDI?Having a doctor on board with your decision to seek disability payments will go a long way towards helping your case. A Kansas City lawyer explains.
Will I Lose My Retirement Account in Bankruptcy?The bankruptcy law contains protection for your pension and retirement accounts. If you file, you should be able to keep both with some limits.
How to File for Worker’s Comp in Kansas and MissouriWorker’s comp can be confusing, and you need a lawyer to help you get medical bills paid for and compensation. A Kansas City lawyer shows you the steps to take.
Top 4 Ways Motorcyclists Cause Bike Wrecks in Missouri and KansasIf you're a biker injured on the road, Castle Law Office's motorcycle injury attorneys are here to help you get the compensation you need after the crash.
How to Talk to Your Kids About ForeclosureIt can be difficult to speak with your kids about foreclosure, but an honest family conversation could help your children better understand the situation.